Thursday, November 11, 2010


I'm lucky at the moment in that I don't have a lot of debt. My only debt right now is a student loan, however I'm going to be adding to that over the next three years. I'm planning on becoming a teacher, so I need my degree. It's almost ironic that I'm becoming a teacher as I dropped out of school, but that makes me realise just how important education truly is.

I know I'll be getting a mortgage too. I want a house. It's security to me. Not worrying about whether or not I can pay the rent. Knowing that once the mortgage is gone, it's gone and I own a house and land, it's just cool. Something I can pass down.

Hopefully that will be the only debt I personally acquire. My fiancée has some debt due to family circumstances that we're going to be working towards getting rid of too, but she posts about that on her personal finance blog. She's so smart and is helping me understand lots of things.

I suppose it's kind of like debt, kind of like saving, but I'd like to get life insurance and a retirement fund going too. The retirement thing is kind of foreign to me. I get the basics, saving money for use later, but the options and such confuse me. Life insurance is just a necessary evil, I think. If my heart stops beating I want my family not to have to worry.

Oooo, I also want to start a college fund for my kids. Probably should have posted that in the last post. I don't have kids, but I want to, and I want them to be able to go to college. It'd be cool if they could go in NZ because it's cheaper, and awesome, but America could be cool too. Just so much money for those big colleges. Maybe they'll get a scholarship into Harvard or something? Haha.

Anyway, I'll post those things up later.  Peace!

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